For the Wannabepublished Fiction Writer

Mary DeMuth has developed a new how-to tutorial that's the best thing I've seen on how to write a proposal for that novel you've been dying to publish.

Go to the store on her web site and scroll down; it’s below the Nonfiction proposal tutorial here:

Some features:

. Over seventy-five pages of content, including teaching, real-life samples, and templates
. A detailed overview of the ten parts of a fiction proposal
. Actual novel query samples that sold
. The nuts and bolts of writing a synopsis plus examples
. A how-to on writing an attention-grabbing first page, with checklist and examples
. Three samples of actual proposals
. Checklist of common grammatical/formatting/usage errors (good to use in any writing project)
. A fiction pitfalls checklist to use after you've completed your novel
. A blank template to create your own proposal in Word

The proposal tutor costs twenty-five buckaroos. She's done about 1/3 of the work of a proposal for you. It's much easier to fill in a template than create one from scratch. Check it out!

The Last Christian

