Love Your Library

Between the Mesquite Public Library (MPL), the DTS library, and the University of Texas at Dallas library, I have access to just about every book I've needed for my PhD work. Today I picked up Roman Women from MPL. Though they didn't have it, they ordered it for me via inter library loan. It cost me a whopping $1.75--not even close to what Amazon would have charged for shipping alone.

This is National Library week. So consider donating some unused books to your favorite library. And thanking a librarian. And even checking out a book or two. Isn't it great that we get to read? And we can do so without having to purchase every book we desire.

(Today is also Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel; the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination; and on a happier note, the 32nd anniversary of the day Gary Glahn asked me to marry him.)



Think Theologically about Immigration