Earth Day

It's Earth Day, which brings the opportunity to evaluate our personal practices that can alleviate the stress on the planet. How are you doing with the following?

1. Lowering your thermostat in the winter, raising it in the summer?
2. Drinking out of a reusable bottle instead of plastic disposables?
3. Using low-flow faucets, shower heads, and toilets?
4. Keeping a compost pile?
5. Switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs?
6. Turning off lights and electronics when you leave the room?
7. Unplugging your cell phone charger when it's not in use?
8. Turning off energy strips and surge protectors overnight?
9. Carpooling, biking, or jogging to work?
10. Donating used books to the library?
11. Getting off junk-mail lists?
12. Buying products that use recyclable materials whenever possible?
13. Taking your own bags to the grocery store?
14. Recycling your trash.

What one thing will you resolve to do to get greener?


Home Again


Ben, Gloria, Julia, Paul