Snow and more snow
When I look at the photo I posted yesterday, I have to chuckle. Compared to the 7 to 9 inches we're sitting under now, that shot looks like a mere dusting. My husband, giddy at having all that white stuff in the yard, went outside yesterday evening and single-handedly built a snowman. (Our girl was off snowballing with friends.) His five-foot-tall yard-man had pine-bush eyebrows, branch arms, a sporty cap--a real winner. Yet we can hardly see him this morning, buried and leaning as he is, weighed down by another six inches of snow that fell after his construction.
We awoke this morning to a silent, white world. I sat in front of the window sipping my coffee, saying, "Thank you! Thank you! I love it!" It looks like Colorado in ski season. We're all home for the day enjoying Dallas's biggest snow season in 32 years. And the only thing on the calendar is "watch the Olympic opening ceremonies" (and of course, read).