What Can I Do to End Human Trafficking?

Monday is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Here are some things we can do to help fight human trafficking:

Be informed! Educate ourselves about human trafficking by reading about it. Keep our eyes open--human trafficking is happening all around us.

Raise awareness! Talk to friends, family and colleagues. We could even talk to local politicians and authorities.

Get involved! Participate in an anti-trafficking movement and get involved in its activities and campaigns (e.g. hold events, distribute posters, leaflets etc.) in neighborhoods and in schools.

Encourage businesses. Be responsible consumers! Inform ourselves on the labor policies of companies to ensure their products are free from slave labor and other forms of exploitation. Buy fair trade products.

Seek support! If you suspect that someone has been trafficked, report it to the institutions or assistance facilities dealing with human trafficking in your area.

Source: UN.Gift.org


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