The Tebow SuperBowl Ad

Tim Tebow, the first sophomore in history to win a Heisman trophy, was also the first college football player both to rush and pass for 20 touchdowns in one season. And as if that weren't enough, last year Tebow led the Florida Gators to a second national championship in three years. Some predict he'll go down in history as the greatest college football player ever to live. Note emphasis on live.

When Tebow was in utero, doctors counseled his mom to abort him after she contracted a severe case of amoebic dysentery during a ministry trip to Philippines. And on SuperBowl Sunday, CBS will air a commercial that briefly tells Tebow's story along with encouragement to celebrate life.

In response some of the more radical women's groups are protesting.

Yet an editorial that ran in today's New York Times called such protests "puzzling and dismaying." Why? Because they say "The would-be censors are on the wrong track. Instead of trying to silence an opponent, advocates for allowing women to make their own decisions about whether to have a child should be using the Super Bowl spotlight to convey what their movement is all about: protecting the right of women like Pam Tebow to make their private reproductive choices."

That would be more consistent with their beliefs, wouldn't it? Pro-lifers who kill doctors who perform late-term abortions are inconsistent with life; and pro-choicers who try to censor info about all choices are inconsistent with choice.

The Times advises,"Viewers can watch and judge for themselves. Or they can get up from the couch and get a sandwich."

Michaelene Jenkins, who some years back organized the "Silent No More" event, did so because many women who abort do not know all the options available to them. "I don't think we're at a place to close all the doors. I want to see options that empower women."


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