Freebie articles

Through my eleven or twelve years as editor of Kindred Spirit, I've written some articles and had book excerpts posted on the DTS web site. Here are most of them. Anything here of interest to you?

Jordan: Encounter God as Storyteller
A great narrative needs a great setting. And God has often set His redemption story in Jordan.

The Gift God Still Wants
From the time of Cain and Abel until today God has been asking for only one gift. (Christmas focus)

Informed Consent
Read an excerpt from Informed Consent, a novel that considers a compassionate response to AIDS and end-of-life issues.

Premium Roast with Ruth
Book Excerpt: In the face of famine two women journey to the “house of bread.”

Vindicate the Villain?
This brief overview will introduce you to the fundamentals of Gnosticism, the philosophy behind the Gospel of Judas.

Espresso with Esther Click here to read this excerpt

Empty Arms, Heavy Burden
One in six couples struggles with infertility during their childbearing years. But they are not alone. Read a book excerpt from The Infertility Companion.

Storytelling: The Twelve Ways of Christmas
What other time of year can we walk into the mall and hear music that directs us to worship Christ the Lord? When else can we stroll through business offices and see strings of cards depicting nativity scenes? Let’s take advantage of the seasonal opportunities, keeping our focus on Christ and sharing the gospel in the process.

Why We Honor the Human Embryo


Plan Ahead


Handful of Dust