Nuggets from EPA/ACP

Here are some random nuggets I picked up from the combined national meetings of the Evangelical Press Association and the Associated Church Press--either through speakers or perusal of the many publications here. (Can you imagine? I have picked up about fifty free mags!)

If you worry, you know you can spiritually meditate. Because worry is negative meditation. It's turning over in your mind the bad ideas, fears, and negative thoughts that should otherwise not have permission to stay.

Here's a link to an interesting article by a guy who grew up in Paris about the French finding Christ via art.

Quote from Francis Schaeffer: For a Christian, redeemed by the work of Christ and living within the norms of Scripture and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the Lordship of Christ should include an interest in the arts. A Christian should use these arts to the glory of God--not just as tracts, but as things of beauty to the praise of God. And art work can be a doxology in itself.

From a magazine editor with one of the Christianity Today publications: For a blog to get traffic, it needs either a personality (think celebrity) or a controversy. (Uh oh!)

Rick Warren's peeps have a fab online (and print/vid) mag called Purpose Driven Connection.

Pollster George Barna, who has written about 45 books, told us he has been introduced as someone who has the "gift of discouragement." He also told us that the U.S. has more attorneys than physicians.


The Short and Short of It


Laugh of the Day