Chocolate Sabbath

Sundays are sacred in the Glahn household. We try to take 24 hours to pull away from the insane schedule, beginning on Saturday evening. Often we have a movie or fun night (last night it was dinner and Cranium with my sister's family and our friends the Wagoners). Then on Sunday morning we attend worship services followed by a nap and/or a movie and/or reading until Sunday evening. And because I love to cook when I don't have to, today I puttered making four different kinds of salad for dinner. If it were work, I wouldn't do it. But because I take pleasure in it, it recharges me.

The word "Sabbath" used to evoke images of rigid limitation for me. But with grace as the backdrop, such days now bring joy. I love this time in my week when I choose to push aside the PhD studies and the grading of papers. I think these days are to time as holes are to lace. Without them I'd just have a plain piece of fabric, but with them I have something beautiful.

Now, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, my dear friend of 30+ years, Ruth Haley Barton, was in town this weekend. We were in each others' weddings long before either of us aspired to write books. But as it happens, Ruth has in fact written a number of excellent works, including Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership.

I read the first few chapters today, and it was like a chocolate Sabbath for my soul. But rather than describe it to you, I'll let you see Ruth and hear about it straight from her. (And after hearing from her, I think you'll see why I feel so blessed to call her my friend for all these years. )


Takin' It to the Streets


Let's Hear It for The Girl: Katharina Schutz Zell