Travel Time

In about 48 hours "if God wills" my husband will be taking me to the airport where I'll head to NYC and from there on to the Middle East with a group of journalists. You can follow my itinerary by checking back here--I've got it preprogrammed in case I have "spotty" internet access. I confess to being a wee bit nervous, but it's the chance of a lifetime. (Feel free to pray for me.) I'm setting up the rest of my interviews today and tomorrow.

Some have asked what we decided about Kenya. Some day soon I plan to tell the whole cool story here. But the bottom line is that my hubby is now working stateside with East-West, serving Kenyan nationals as they dig wells, start schools, empower and educate women, help orphans, set up microbusiness enterprises, and plant churches. If that sounds like something you want to be part of, here's a link to our account. We have cool stories to tell about this work. Stay tuned.


On to Amman


Good Resource on NT Backgrounds (esp Women)