Scoping out the Decapolis

Here's the view from my room this morning, right before dawn.

Today the agenda has us visiting these sites:

Decapolis and Perea (Old Testament Ammonite Kingdom) On the way are olive groves and pine forests referenced in the Bible as the Forests of Gilead. Nearby is Mahanaim (near the Jabbok River), where Jacob wrestled with the Angel and where David sought refuge during his son Absalom’s rebellion.

Um Qais (ancient Gadara) This site is where the miracle of the Gadarene swine (Matthew 8:28-32) happened. At this location people can stand at the junction of Syria, Israel, and Jordan and overlook the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias). An ancient five-aisled basilica from the fourth century was recently excavated here, as well.

Rihab Center for Archaeological Studies – overview and tour of excavations at catacomb/St. George’s Church and tour. Archaeologists have discovered a cave underneath one of the world’s oldest churches.

Jerash (ancient Gerasa) Jerash is noted in the Bible as being in the “region of the Garasenes” and is considered one of the best-preserved Roman provincial towns in the world.

If I have any energy left after all that, I may attend an evening international worship service or connect with someone I need to interview.

I feel rested and ready to face the day. I've been up since 3 AM Jordanian time, so it may be an early evening for me. :)


Of Good and Evil


Outside the Wardrobe