On to Aqaba

Today we check out of our hotel and take a quick motorized tour of the capitol, which will include a brief stop at the Citadel of ancient Rabbath Ammon, capitol of the Ammonite Kingdom. We'll see the simple archaeological museum that houses one of the finest collections of ancient artifacts in the Middle East, including some of the Copper Dead Sea scrolls. Then we’ll stand atop the fortress where David sent Uriah the Hittite to his death.

From Amman we travel south along the 5,000-year-old King’s Highway to Mount Nebo and Madaba.

Moses arrived at Mount Nebo after the exodus and viewed the Promised Land. From a platform there we’ll have a breathtaking view across the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea to the rooftops of Bethlehem and, even on a clear day, (we pray!) Jerusalem.

We end the day with dinner in Aqaba, where we'll stay for a few nights.




Sunday in Jordan