Interested in an International Partnership?

For a number of years I have corresponded with a pastor in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Recently he wrote to ask if I knew of a church or group that would partner with his ministry. I told him I’d post his info on my blog…

In 1994 I created a ministry called: LOVE TO CHILDREN MINISTRIES, with the purpose of serving children spiritually and physically. In 1995, I was appointed to be assistant pastor … And in 1996, I started teaching at Bukavu Bible Institute. In December 1997, I was ordained… I went to further my studies at Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College (NPBC), in Kenya, where I graduated November 2001. After my graduation at NPBC, I opened an orphanage. Then in January 2005, the Lord spoke with me that I should go back to my home country for starting a new ministry. In July 2005, I moved from Nairobi to my Country, DR Congo, South Kivu province, Bukavu Town, for the new ministry. And I started preaching house-to-house evangelism, follow-up, discipleship and on 7 August 2005, I opened the first church in Bukavu with only seven believers by the name of Hefsiba Christian Church. Today we have more than thirty-five believers and have planted nine more churches in rural areas.

My own church already partners with a “sister church,” which is in Mexico. In our case it means prayer, encouragement, idea exchanges, and even visits. If your group does not currently partner with an international ministry I highly recommend doing so. If you are interested in forging such a partnership with Fred and his wife (they also have an orphanage ministry), contact me through my profile.


Thanks to the French


Olympics Day 1