Dr. Sandra Glahn

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From the City of Roses

Internationally speaking:

Congratulations to Israel on celebrating sixty years as a nation!

Did you read the Evangelical Manifesto? Lots of folks are talking about it. What do you think? Ever wondered what the heck the word "evangelical" means? Now you get some answers. And you'll be relieved to know it's not supposed to be synonymous with right-wing political agenda.

Personally speaking:

I flew into Portland, Oregon, on Monday to attend board meetings for the Evangelical Press Association, followed by the national conference. Last night Portland's mayor kicked us off with an introduction of Luis Palau, who was fab. (And afterward I went out for a chat with my brother, who lives here.)

Today Donald Miller addressed us and I attended a workshop with him afterward during which he answered lots of questions...about writing and finding his father and his next project and how he doesn't even know (or care?) what the emergent church is. More on all this soon.

Then tonight my sis and her son picked me up and drove me about 40 minutes to have dinner at my parents' house. My brother and his girlfriend joined us, and we celebrated Mother's Day a little early.

Two of my closest friends lost their moms this year. If your mom's still alive, tell her you love her!