Do You Know...?

1. The estimated number of AIDS orphans in the world today has reached...
A. 3 million
B. 7.7 million
C. 10 million
D. 15 million

2. The number of newborn babies daily infected with HIV is...
A. Nearly 250
B. Nearly 1,000
C. Nearly 1,525
D. Nearly 2,000

3. With 1.7 million new cases in 2007, the number of Africans infected with HIV reached...
A. Seven million
B. Ten million
C. Fifteen million
D. Twenty-two-and-a-half million

4. Daily in Africa AIDS kills...
A. 400 people
B. 750 people
C. 1,000 people
D. 4,400 people

The answer in every case is D, according to Are you doing anything for at least one person affected by the pandemic?


On Generosity


"I Thirst"