Random Facts

"October 5-14, 1582, never happened in Catholic lands. Brits (and their American subjects) born September 3 to 10 had no birthday in 1582. Those days were dropped when the Western world switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar" (Wired, 2/08). So I guess that means I shouldn't say "thank you" if someone tells me, "You're as classic as a 16th-century autumn," eh?

A Fox News story noted that the U.S. "seems to be experiencing a baby boomlet," reporting that in 2006 we saw the largest number of children born in 45 years--nearly 4.3 million. So look for lots and lots more Jacobs and Emilys in C-21.

World Vision reports (Spring 08) that 30% of Americans know little to nothing about AIDS; 25% believe the country is "doing its part" on AIDS; 14% are frustrated by the lack of progress; and 74% believe they personally should play a part to help those affected. Hear, hear!

An old but interesting study (2004) conducted by Wake Forest University found that teens who report drinking alcohol with their parents are less likely than others to have either consumed alcohol or abused it in recent weeks. I guess that sort of makes sense. I mean, surely a teen is less likely to get smashed at a wedding with Mom and Dad around than in a Corvette with a group of their rowdy peers.

More than 7.3 million people in the U.S. suffer from the inability to have a little Emily or Jacob. That means one in eight couples of childbearing age, according to RESOLVE. So don't go asking folks when they plan to hurry up and start a family. They might be trying...


Wordless Wednesday


So Many Places, So Little Time