That Test I Took
Yes, I took the Greek exam Friday. Four hours of translation. They said they'll let me know within three weeks how I did, so now we wait.
What was it like? For the first two hours, they gave me a 500-word passage from the Book of Acts and told me to get through as much as I could. After a 15-minute break, I launched in again. This time they gave me about 500 words from the Gospel of John. No, it's not a religious school nor a religious program, but my language of choice was Koine Greek, and the best test of that is 'most anything out of the New Testament.
How do I think I did? Not sure. The good news: I got all the way through both passages (which not everyone who passes does). The bad news: I made some mistakes. So I have no idea about the outcome, as I can't guess how my work will "hit" the graders. (Three independent experts assess my work and determine if they think I passed. I guess "majority rules.")
My heart pounded the entire time, so I was totally wiped out when I got home. The pressure. The stress. The relief!
(Then yesterday I spoke on fiction writing to a writing group in Colleyville.)
Thanks for your comments and support, including this comic-relief link from my bro-in-law, Mark, that made me LOL.