Home Safety

I read recently, today actually, that home accidents post a huge risk to children: more than four million children under age 14 are injured at home annually. But I'm here to tell you they pose a huge risk to adults, too. Two years ago I fell down my stairs head-first and snapped my clavicle (fancy word for collar bone). Finally on Valentine's Day this year I received the "all clear" from my ortho trauma doc (Dr. Freudigman, for readers looking for my docs' names in my med novels).

And a whole week passed.

Then last night, my girl accidentally broke my crystal fruit bowl. I am happy to report that I handled it well. Verbally, that is. Physically, in the process of wiping glass off the counters, I cut my finger. And about ten minutes later, when trying to clean up a mess I made in the oven when I spilled blackberry cobbler juice, I caught a paper towel on fire (duh, a paper towel in the oven?). I didn't have my hair pulled back, and fearing that I might catch my locks on fire, I threw the flaming paper towel on the kitchen floor. The white kitchen floor. But I didn't have shoes on, so I couldn't stomp it out. And, um, the fire went out and nobody got hurt. But now I have two big black spots on my kitchen floor. Permanent campfire-stain spots.

I know..."Step away from the house."

This weekend I am speaking on praying the psalms of lament. And a lot of stuff has happened this week that is making me have to practice what I preach. So, if anybody out there needs a speaker on how to live with fabulous health and insane wealth, please book me. I'm all about living consistently in my private and public lives.


The Best Kind of Girl Power


Wordless Wednesday