Did You Read This?

Nicholas Kristof nailed it. Again. This time he wrote a column for the NY Times titled, "Evangelicals a Liberal Can Love." How's this for an intriguing lede?

"At a New York or Los Angeles cocktail party, few would dare make a pejorative comment about Barack Obama’s race or Hillary Clinton’s sex. Yet it would be easy to get away with deriding Mike Huckabee’s religious faith. Liberals believe deeply in tolerance and over the last century have led the battles against prejudices of all kinds, but we have a blind spot about Christian evangelicals."

Yet he doesn't let evangelicals off the hook, either:

"Moralizing blowhards showed more compassion for embryonic stem cells than for the poor or the sick, and as recently as the 1990s, evangelicals were mostly a constituency against foreign aid."

The article is not too long, and definitely worth reading.


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