In the News...

Did you catch this? The House passed the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007 by a vote of 420-3. The Senate will tackle its version soon. A quiet bipartisan effort toward passage and reconciliation of language between the two versions continues. The bill will prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic info with respect to health insurance and employment. So let's say they find you have "the Alzheimer's gene." Under this bill, a potential employer can't refuse to hire you because of a disease you will "develop." Or your insurer can't deny you coverage for a pre-existing yet still-to-develop genetic condition. You mean they can discriminate now? Yes, and they do. The bill's a good thing.

Also, in February, Virginia became the first state to approve a resolution acknowledging "the maltreatment and exploitation of Native Americans and the immoral institution of slavery." In May, Maryland became the second state to approve a resolution apologizing for its role in slavery and the discrimation associated with it. (If you're interested in knowing more, go to

Did you see the NY Times article this morning about The Founding Immigrants. Worth chewing on.

And in case you wondered as I have if the bodies of the two missing climbers on Mt. Hood have been found, correspondence with the family of Kelly James (the climber who was found) included this: "The other two climbers' families still have no closure. It may be September before the teams can search the crevices of Mt. Hood for their bodies. Please remember their loved ones."

The latest issue of Kindred Spirit, the magazine of Dallas Seminary, which I edit, is now out. This one focuses on hunger in its many forms. And yes, that's my godson on the cover, and no, I actually didn't plan it that way!


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