Immigration, Part II

Today we continue our conversation with Dr. Mike Pocock about immigration:

What constitutes a real, positive public policy of immigration reform from your perspective?

. One that recognizes the reality of the long-term residence and positive contribution of 9 to 12 million undocumented foreign-born people in this country and seeks to regularize their status and put them on a path toward citizenship, if desired, instead of forcing their return to their countries (which is unrealistic, unworkable, and, in many cases, cruel).

. One that makes undocumented but otherwise decent people aware that they have broken the law and must pay some monetary and civic penalty, payable in manageable installments to the government or community in which they live. Possibly include a required community-service penalty, such as working on Habitat for Humanity construction.

. One that seeks assimilation without cultural suffocation. This would include required English capability.

. An expanded guest-worker program that permits workers to serve a variety of employers instead of a single designated employer (H visas). This permit would allow workers to seek work instead of having to be matched with an employer prior to entry. A time limit could be established for finding such work, and possession of an adequate amount of money while looking for work. This approach recognizes the reality that much of the work needed is day labor, but day labor leads to regular employment where workers show their value. Guest worker visas would give the right to return home to family and back for work without the necessity of illegal and very dangerous border crossing. (420 died in border crossings in 2006.) A quota system keyed to the condition of the work market should be established.

. Establishment and staffing of more consular guest-worker permit offices in primary locations in foreign countries.

. Introduction of biometric national identity cards to help eliminate identity theft and fraud.

. Employers required to check certification of workers with national database, possibly one connected to ATMs because of their availability in convenience stores and because ATMs and credit card companies should also move to biometric bank cards. Fine employers who knowingly employ undocumented workers once a more comprehensive system is established.

. Strengthen border controls. I do not like walls but they have been shown to reduce crossings in the San Diego area and Mexicali. Walls at strategic high crossing locations may allow better oversight of unfenced areas.

I could endorse the White House proposal for immigration reform, but believe it should incorporate provisions from the SOLVE Act (Safe, Orderly, Legal Visas and Enforcement Acts) introduced by Democratic Reps. Luis Gutierrez, Bob Menendez and Ted Kennedy, because it addresses family unity and other issues. (See discussion by Navarrette and Waslin, July/August 2004 Issue, “Forum” in Hispanic Magazine

What is the true social and economic impact of legal and illegal immigration? Are we being overwhelmed? What are the problems or dangers posed for people of faith if we base our opinions and actions in regard to immigrants on these concerns rather than religiously based ethics?

We are at a high point in the rate of immigration world-wide and in the USA. Currently the foreign-born population is 35 million, 11.5% of the total population. But there have been higher years. In 1880, 13.3%; in 1900, 13.6%; in 1930, 11.6%. We've seen a 54% increase between 1990 and 2000.

Total remittances worldwide of migrants, legal and undocumented, estimates were $232 billion in 2005. In the USA, buying power of Hispanics alone in 1990 was $222 billion; 2004, $686 billion, est. for 2009, $992 billion. Of all 35 million foreign-born persons, 11.5 million were undocumented. So two thirds of the foreign-born pay income tax and one third do not. However, all pay sales tax. Lost income tax has been estimated at $15 billion annually.

Parkland Hospital in Dallas delivered 15,590 babies in 2005. 70% were to undocumented Hispanic women. Parkland spent $70.7 million in 2004 with taxpayers covering 40% of the cost. Nevertheless, Parkland administrators say: “Most immigrant parents do have jobs and pay taxes including property and sales taxes. They have a better record for paying their bills than low income Americans.”

So yes, legal and illegal immigrants do constitute a burden in many cities, but even those who do not pay income tax are contributing to the system through other taxes. Clearly, bringing undocumented people into the light of legality would also create a stronger tax base among them.

Christian response or attitudes toward legal and illegal immigrants should not be based on pragmatics alone. Whether it is hospitality to strangers (Rom 12:13), or entertaining those who cannot repay us (Luke 14:12–14), doing good to all persons (Gal 6:10), or considering all people equally no matter their culture or ethnicity (Col.3:10–11), the Bible speaks to our attitude toward those of other races and cultures. The pastor of the Farmer’s Branch Church of Christ said: “I try to ask myself what God would do.” We should be very careful not to simply go with the conventional wisdom of people around us, not economic, and certainly not racist thinking. We really should love our neighbor as ourselves, not intellectualizing nor spiritualizing, but in concrete expression to whoever is in our community on whatever basis.


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Good Migrations?