What Was Ann Coulter Thinking?

Did you see the video footage of Ann Coulter taking Elizabeth Edwards's call? Coulter's response made me sick. So I was glad to see this response on beliefnet from my friend, Darrell Bock, Research Professor of New Testament Studies and Professor of Spiritual Development and Culture at DTS and author of more than 20 books, including a New York Times best seller:

As a theologian I have been watching with interest for some time the tone of some of our political discourse. In sum, it often resembles what one might expect to hear on an elementary school playground. So maybe some straight talk to five year olds is in order. The only problem is that it is not just the two families that are being invoked but the entire community of our body politic. There is a genuine need for a respectful engagement on the real issues of our time, not a polemicizing, self-promoting, mocking handling of opponents. Nothing has made that more apparent than the “work” and approach of Ann Coulter.

She needs to be called out for hiding behind an argument that “they do it, too.” This sounds exactly like something a five year old would say.

This is only an excerpt. You can read Darrell's complete response here.


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