Memorial Day Weekend

Friday evening, I flew to Houston so I could speak at a women's leadership event on Saturday. My family joined me later via car. They got the raw end of that deal, as they dealt with slow traffic for much of Saturday. Reason for slowness: It rained all weekend. And Texas drivers don't do rain.

While we were in Houston, the weather kept us out of the pool, but it didn't stop us from having great fun with our friends, Karen and Barney Giesen. If you wonder how we spent most of our time, check out the photo. We also worshipped at the interracial City of Refuge Church; enjoyed a visit with Leigh McLeroy, most recently author of The Beautiful Ache; met most of Karen's family; and made good use of Karen's new vibrating recliner.

Oh yes--and for brunch on Monday morning, we made ziplock omelets. Yummy and easy. Here's how:

Have each person write his or her name in permanent marker on a quart-size plastic freezer bag. Then put a big pot of water on the stove and bring it to a full boil while you prepare the following ingredients: cheeses, ham, bacon bits, onion, green pepper, green olives, black olives, tomatoes, hash browns, whatever.

Have each person throw into his or her bag the desired omelet ingredients. Then add two eggs (or to reduce cholesterol, a couple of egg whites). Mush it all up to combine, and then make sure to get all the air out of the bag.

Place the bag into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes. (You can cook six to eight omelets in a large pot. If you need more, just put another pot on the stove.) At the end of thirteen minutes, open the bag and the omelet rolls out easily.

If you’re anything like me, your attempts at stove-top omelets usually result in "egg stuck to pan followed by scrubbing." But using this method, the omelet was perfecto.


The E-Word?


Tween Time?