Last Weekend

Last weekend I went to Winston-Salem, North Carolina, to meet up with my artsy friends, Rhonda and Erin. (We form the humble triumvarate over at SoulPerSuit.) I'll spare you the gory details about my fiasco with American Airlines losing record of my payment and threatening me with a $1,400 airline bill, Erin's car breakdown (she drove down from Virginia), and Rhonda's almost-wreck as she came to Charlotte to pick me up.

On Friday night we joined with a small group Rhonda leads in my study of Mocha on the Mount. Afterward, we laughed a lot, ate too much, and watched this really disturbing but somehow somewhat amusing Youtube video of a squirrel catapult.

On Saturday, we met with some infertility patients and then spent the afternoon checking out art galleries. That night we celebrated Rhonda's birthday by dining at 6th and Vine in the downtown arts district, before settling in to watch Ted Dekker's chiller thriller, Thr3e.

Erin got a shot of us all together, but her Little Computer of Horrors seems to have devoured it. If it ever emerges, I'll post it.


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