Getting into Training

Yesterday we spent a family day in East Texas eating gingerbread cookies and riding the historic Texas State Railroad from Palestine to Rusk and back. As we chugged along, we saw lots of white dogwoods in bloom. We stopped for a couple of hours in Rusk and enjoyed a picnic by the lake at the state park before making the ninety-minute return trip. Perfect temps. (That's my girl and me with barely visible faces in the window.)

Driving to and from Palestine, we saw fields blanketed with yellow flowers. (It's a bit early for the paintbrush and blue bonnets, though a few peeked up at us.) But the best splash of color was and is in our own back yard, where both deep- and light-purple wisteria blooms cover the pergola.

In other news: Tomorrow I start two weeks of "on call" jury duty. I have to actually go to the courthouse in the morning. I've received all sorts of humorous tips for how to get out of serving, none of which I can print. Who knew we had so much animosity about the part we play in a jury-trial system? :)

Also, I've received several emails asking how someone can post a comment on my blog. I enabled the “anonymous” comment box, so you can post without having a Blogger account. Just click on the “comments” link at the bottom of any entry and write away. I reserve the right to delete any entry. (I will remove shameless attempts at product marketing.)

Other changes: I added a feed for a cartoon of the day. (Scroll down and click on the link.) And I have a profile over on Shoutlife now if you want to see my speaking schedule at a glance.

Coming up this week: Tuesday night at Highland Park Presbyterian in Dallas I'm speaking on "Finding Sabbath Rest in a Restless World." Then this Friday I'm headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, to spend the weekend doing a couple of events at

Hillsdale Baptist Church.


Home Again
