Dr. Sandra Glahn

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At the Movies (or Videos)

It's spring break here and my parents are visiting from Oregon. Yesterday we caught a matinee of Amazing Grace. Great stuff. If you've seen it, you probably noticed the lone woman who attended whenever the small group of abolitionists met. Her inclusion was not due to the producer's PC attempt to include a token woman. Hannah More was real and quite a force for social justice. You can learn more about her here. In the future, I hope to publish a reader of writings from five women who lived between 1400 and 1950, one of whom is More.

Also worth seeing at the movies: The Ultimate Gift. I talked about that one in my January 31 blog entry.

In other news, I saw my ortho surgeon on Friday for a follow-up x-ray on my rebellious clavicle. Good news! He released me to swim again, two months ahead of schedule. I'm glad to graduate from the stationary bike while getting a daily ultrasound treatment, especially because I finished watching Alias. (I loved it until they scaled back on Michael Vartan's character. Then, not so much.) My fave part of Amazing Grace: Albert Finney telling John Newton's true story. If you've seen it, what was your favorite part?