Valentine's Weekend

I finished the first draft of the novel. Hurray! And just in time...

The relatives start arriving tonight. We'll have four until Sunday night if all goes as planned. They're coming for a wedding. Yes, my mother-in-law is marrying her 91-year-old beau. Great guy. She's 76, so she is totally too young for him, don't you think? The little sneak got engaged around the first of December but kept mum about it until after Christmas.

My hubby is giving away his mom. My brother-in-law, a pastor, is performing the service. I'm matron of honor. Tomorrow night we're having a meet-the-other-family dessert here, so when the twenty-four guests attend the wedding, we will all have at least some clue as to each person's identity.

At the beginning of the month, my niece Katie (nee Glahn) made me a great aunt for the first time when we cheered the arrival of Henry McClain. He was earlier than expected, and we rejoiced that he finally got to go home yesterday--a wonderful Valentine's Day present. Her mom had been home (to suburban D.C.) from Philadelphia only 45 minutes today before she called to find out the temp in Dallas before turning around to catch a flight with her family tonight. Can you imagine?

In the course of two weeks, we have added two family members who virtually span a century--an early infant and a 91-year-old grandfather.


Baby Henry and Grandma Newlywed


Women in Black