My Mary Friend

Congrats are in order for my bud, Mary DeMuth, whose novel, Watching the Tree Limbs landed on the top-ten novel list for 2006 at Christian Fiction Review. You go, Mary girl!

And mark your calendar for March 22 and 23, when Mary will appear as a guest on the national radio program, FamilyLife Today, speaking on the topic of one of her non-fiction books, Building the Christian Family You Never Had:

A Rocky Beginning 3/22/2007 (Day 1 of 2) MaryDeMuth, author of the book Building the Christian Family You Never Had, tells Dennis Rainey about her rocky start as the only child of a single mom heavy into drugs. Mary tells about the abuse she encountered at the hands of neighbor boys and her eventual faith in the God of the universe.

Embracing Forgiveness 3/23/2007 (Day 2 of 2) Mary DeMuth talks honestly with Dennis Rainey about the change that took place in her life when she choose to forgive her abusers.


Wanted: The Right Eulogy


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