Things I Wonder

Was Eve a Slytherin? (Don't you have to be a Slytherin to speak Parseltongue?)

Why didn't I extend my hand to President Ford? (When I was in high school, my drill team participated in the national Christmas Tree lighting. Mr. Ford walked right by me, and I just stared. But the student a few people down had the presence of mind to extend his hand, and the president walked right over and shook it.)

Does the flavor of chocolate improve with age (mine, not the chocolate's) for other people, too?

Do I collect more junk than I used to, or is it just bothering me more now that I can't lift anything more than a coffee cup?

Did Rahab live long enough to see her son, Boaz, marry Ruth? Did Ruth live long enough to see her great grandson, David, marry Bathsheba?

Has anyone come up with a use for dryer lint?

What have you wondered lately?


This and That


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