The Three Trees

As an author, I can appreciate the literary finesse required to weave an image from beginning to end of a work. That's why I love the Bible's tree motif.

Genesis begins with a tree in the orchard. Lots of trees; only one forbidden. But they eat. Then Eve gets tree-pain (the word for pain in childbearing is unusual, sounding like "tree"--a fitting consequence).

Then we find a tree in the middle of history. "Cursed is everyone who hangs upon a tree," we read. And we find Jesus nailed to it. That tree connects beginning with end...

...which is where we find the final tree. Revelation. The last chapter. In a new orchard where one of the same trees reappears. And those who partake will never die. No more night. No more pain. No more tears.

That is some fine storytelling!

Do you ever think about that when you put up your Christmas tree?


The World Outside My Door


Religion and Politics