Christmas Giveaway

Have you been to the mall lately? I haven't. I can't drive for two months, but I'd avoid the mall even if I could drive. When my friend Virginia went to Kohl's yesterday to pick up a dress for her granddaughter, the check-out line involved a two-hour wait. So she went home and ordered the same dress on the internet for less and with free shipping.

I have not yet moved on to Christmas. I'm still stuck back in Thanksgiving. For what are you thankful? The person listing the most unexpected or unusual entry (comment) will win a copy of Solomon Latteor Java with the Judges (your choice) to keep or "regift" as a Christmas present for someone on your list.

I'll ask an independent judge to determine the winner on Wednesday of this week.

So thank away.


How I Espent My "Vacation"


Happy Thanksgiving!