And the Winner Is...

The winner of a free copy of one of the Coffee Cup Bible Studies is Reiko, who wrote what our independent judge considered the most unusual entry. Reiko expressed gratitude for the eight-month stretch of unemployment she and her family have endured.

I have another book to give away. It's a hardback work from NavPress titled Who Was Adam? A Publishers' Weekly review says of this book, "The authors of this study are distressed that many people, from scientists to judges, define creationism as a religious view rather than a legitimate scientific theory, and they attempt to redeem it as a science. (It is worth noting that both authors hold doctorates, one in chemistry and one in astronomy.)" They present a creation-model view on the origin of mankind, and their endorsers include an impressive list of scholars. You can read some of the thirty-plus reviews at Amazon to get a feel for what people are saying about this book. Want to win it so you can give it to your favorite science geek for Christmas? Just shoot a comment letting me know you want me to include you. I'll announce a winner sometime Saturday.

We've bundled up here. Temps this evening in Dallas were seventy-ish. I think it has dropped forty degrees since then. Our daughter hopes, hopes, hopes Mesquite ISD will cancel school tomorrow, especially because her uncle Bob is here for two days visiting from Washington, D.C.


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How I Espent My "Vacation"