Especially for Women

Are you familiar with If not, you should be! Launched in 1995 to leverage the Internet as a powerful force in Christian ministry, has grown to serve millions around the world through providing thousands of trustworthy resources for Bible study, including a translation of the Bible (the NET Bible).

Some months ago I was asked and agreed to serve on their women’s executive committee. We have been working to launch a section by women and for women. Well, today is launch day! Take a look.

I have two articles in the leadership section—one titled Celebrity-Driven Christianity? and another titled Fellowship-Driven Ministry? Check it out. Send a friend. Spread the word about this new resource!

If you are a writer with biblical content you’re willing to share with’s readers from all over the world (many in places that cannot get resources), check out the guidelines for submission.


Extravagant Wealth


Food? Check. Water? Check. Meds? Check.