The Da Vinci Challenge

The New York Times yesterday and AOL headline news today announced that Sony, which is producing the film, "The Da Vinci Code," has established a web site for those committed to debunking the movie. The site,, will post essays by about forty-five leading scholars including Dallas Seminary's own Darrell Bock, Research Professor of New Testament Studies. His publications include The New York Times bestseller Breaking the Da Vinci Code, Studying the Historical Jesus, and Jesus according to Scripture. Bock received a Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) and was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt scholarship by Germany to do historical study at the University of Tübingen twice in the past ten years. Check out what he has to say by following the link above (on his name). Be sure to tell your friends about the site.

The NY Times article (see if it'll let non-subscribers access it; I can't tell from this computer): "A Pulpit Online for Critics of 'The Da Vinci Code' Film"

Here's a link to a previous blog entry I wrote relating to the topic: Something about Mary.


All right, already


Writing: Editing Foibles