Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Bioethics In the News

Let's Limit Embryo Transfers:  
A new fertility-treatment study has found that women who receive three or more embryos have no better odds of giving birth than those who receive only  two embryos. ( Washington Post)

FDA Warning: About Illegal Stem Cell Treatments
The FDA announced this week that patients' hopes for cures leave them vulnerable prey for providers of illegal and potentially harmful stem cell treatments. ( Medical Daily)

Surrogacy: A Growing International Injustice
International surrogacy is a growing business thanks to Westerners hiring poor women in developing countries to carry their babies. But media attention could change that. ( Slate)

Skipping the Banks, Making Online Deals
Women are increasingly making online connections with men willing to donate sperm for free, skirting the expensive option of using a sperm bank with all its regulations, tests, and verifications. ( ABC News)