Dr. Sandra Glahn

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The Liturgy of Politics

One of my students at DTS, Kaitlyn Scheiss ("Shess") is a writer whose posts at Christ and Pop Culture land in the top-traffic spots and whose piece in The NY Timeson August 26 explored the fiasco at her alma mater, Liberty University. She has some excellent insights into evangelicals' divisions, or political messes, and our unique weaknesses—while loving her own people and holding firmly both to the truth and to compassion.

Recently she released a book (officially out today) with IVP titled The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor. And I. Love. This. Book. Scheiss packs a prophetic punch about American evangelicals’ complacency, our ignorance of Scripture, and our cultural conformity. How well she knows us! But rather than leave us despairing, she calls readers to repentance with a vision of hope. Her main argument: We are moving toward a political reality, and our formation should align with that reality. 

Her work is not about how to vote. It is about how to be in a world in which everything we do is political.

Highly recommended. (But only if you can stand getting your toes squashed a bit.)