Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Rape Culture #19: Resources for Sexual Assault Victims

A list of resources compiled by Joy Pedrow Skarka

Awareness & Organizations

The Rape Foundation

Ministry Safe


Restored: Ending Violence Against Women

The Rave Project


Helping Survivors

Sexual Assault and Abuse

Rid of My Disgrace, by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb

Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartache of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation by Dan B. Allender

The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, by Dan B. Allender

Abuse/Dating Violence Statistics 

Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness, by Ellen Dykas

Sexual Assault on College Campuses

End Rape on Campus

Rape Culture

Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women, by Elaine Storkey

Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture, by Roxane Gay

Tainted Witness: Why We Doubt What Women Say About Their Lives, by Leigh Gilmore 

Domestic Violence

National Domestic Violence Hotline 

National Network to End Domestic Violence

Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft

The Verbally Abusive Relationship, by Patricia Evans

Is It My Fault?: Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence, by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb

Abuse Counseling & Treatment

Leslie Vernick 

Additional Resources/ Counseling & Therapy

Global Trauma Recovery Institute

The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology

Dan Allender

Boundaries: When to Say YES, When to Say NO, To Take Control of Your Life by Cloud and Townsend


"2017 Year in Review," Pornhub, January 9, 2018.

Aalai, Azadeh. "When Politics and Rape Culture Collide." Psychology Today.

Abbey, Antonia. "Alcohol-related Sexual Assault: A Common Problem among College Students." Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Supplement, no. S14 (2002): 118-28. doi:10.15288/jsas.2002.s14.118.

Moore, Beth. "A Letter to My Brothers." Living Proof Ministries Blog.

Armstrong, Kat. "Complementarians, Show Us Your Truth."Fathom Mag. February 12, 2018.     

Bailey, Sarah Pulliam. "New Tribes Mission Confronts '80s Sex-abuse Allegations." Christian History | May 31, 2017.  

Barnett, Michael D., Taylor M. Hale, and Kylie B. Sligar. "Masculinity, Femininity, Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs, and Rape Myth Acceptance Among Heterosexual College Men and Women." Sexuality & Culture 21, no. 3 (2017): 741–53.  doi:10.1007/s12119-017-9420-3.

Baum, Matthew A., Dara Kay Cohen, Susanne Schwarz, and Yuri M. Zhukov. "The Way Kavanaugh's Supporters Are Talking about Sexual Assault Allegations Can Be Dangerous, Our New Study Finds." The Washington Post. September 27, 2018.

Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J., Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J., & Stevens, M.R. (2011). The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Bohner, G., Siebler, F., & Schmelcher, J. (2006). Social norms and the likelihood of raping: Perceived rape myth acceptance of others affects men’s rape proclivity. Personality and  Social Psychology Bulletin32, 286 – 297. 

Burke, Tarana. "#MeToo Was Started for Black and Brown Women and Girls. They're Still Being Ignored." The Washington Post. November 09, 2017.                     

Caine, Christine. UNASHAMED: Drop the Baggage, Pick up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny. Zondervan, 2018.

Chumley, Cheryl K. "Kavanaugh's Lying Accusers Should Be Thrown in Jail." The Washington Times. November 05, 2018. Accessed December 08, 2018. . 

Cook, Sarah L., Lilia M. Cortina, and Mary P. Koss. "What's the Difference between Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment and Rape?" The Conversation. February 07, 2018.

Correa, Carla, and Meghan Louttit. "More than 160 Women Say Larry Nassar Sexually Abused Them. Here Are His Accusers in Their Own Words." The New York Times. January 24, 2018.

Dart, Tom. "Baylor Football Players Raped Women as 'bonding Experience', Lawsuit Alleges." The Guardian. May 17, 2017.

Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey, 2012–2016 (2017).

Dick, Kirby, et al. The Hunting Ground. 2015.

Doshi, Vidhi. "One Community's Battle over Virginity Tests in Western India." The Washington Post. April 08, 2018.

Ericksen, Phillip. "Baylor Hit with 7th Title IX Lawsuit, Plaintiff Alleges Gang Rape by Football Players."Waco Tribune-Herald, May 17, 2017.

"Facts About Sexual Harassment." U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Fahrenthold, David A. "Trump Recorded Having Extremely Lewd Conversation about Women in 2005." The Washington Post. October 08, 2016.

Foubert John D., and Bridges Ana J. 2017. “What Is the Attraction? Pornography Use Motives in Relation to Bystander Intervention.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence32 (20): 3071–89. doi:10.1177/0886260515596538.

Foubert, John D. (2017) " e Public Health Harms of Pornography: e Brain, Erectile Dysfunction, and Sexual Violence," Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence: Vol. 2: Iss. 3, Article 6.DOI: 10.23860/dignity.2017.02.03.06.

Giscombe, Katherine. "Sexual Harassment and Women of Color." Catalyst. February 13, 2018.   

Glahn, Sandra. "#METOO: Dr. Sandra Glahn." Kat Armstrong. October 19, 2017.            

Gowen, Annie. "An 8-year-old Girl's Gang Rape and Murder Trigger New Outrage over India's Rape Culture." The Washington Post. April 19, 2018.                

Gowen, Annie. "In India, It's Not Easy to Report on Rape." The Washington Post. December 21,   2016.

Grady, Constance, and Anna North. "Kavanaugh's Hearing Is a Test of How Much We Care about Sexual Assault." Vox.com. September 27, 2018.  

Hauser, Christine. "Larry Nassar Is Sentenced to Another 40 to 125 Years in Prison." The New York Times. February 05, 2018.

"How #MeToo Calls Everyone to Fight Sexual Harassment and Assault." The Christian Century.   November 3, 2017.

"How Porn Changes the Brain," Fight the New Drug, June 26, 2018.

Humbert, Cynthia. Deceived by Shame, Desired by God. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2001.

Itzkoff, Dave. "George R.R. Martin on 'Game of Thrones' and Sexual Violence." The New York Times. May 02, 2014.

Kantor, Jodi, and Megan Twohey. "Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades." The New York Times. October 05, 2017.

Kingkade, Tyler. "Student: Police Said I Wasn't Raped Because He Didn't Orgasm." The Huffington Post. January 23, 2014. Accessed December 08, 2018.

Krebs, Christopher, Christine Lindquist, Marcus Berzofsky, Bonnie Shook-Sa, Kimberly Peterson, Michael Planty, Lynn Langton, and Jessica Stroop. 2016. Campus climate survey validation study. Final technical report: Bureau of Justice Statistics Research and Development Series. R&DP-2015:04, NCJ 249545. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.

Kristof, Nicholas D. and Sheryl WuDunn. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009.

Kristof, Nicholas D. and Sheryl WuDunn."The Women's Crusade." The New York Times. August 17, 2009.

Lee, Morgan. "My Larry Nassar Testimony Went Viral. But There's More to the Gospel Than Forgiveness." Christian History | February 13, 2018.  

Lisak, James Hopper and David. "Why Rape and Trauma Survivors Have Fragmented and Incomplete Memories." Time. December 09, 2014. Accessed December 07, 2018.

Lockhart, P.R. "Bill Cosby Sentenced to 3 to 10 Years in Prison for 2004 Assault of Andrea Constand." Vox.com. September 25, 2018.

Lonsway, K. A., & Fitzgerald, L. F. (1994). Rape myths in review. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18, 133 – 164. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6402.1994.tb00448.x.

Malamuth, Neil M, Tamara Addison, and Mary Koss. 2000. “Pornography and Sexual Aggression: Are There Reliable Effects and Can We Understand Them?” Annual Review of Sex Research11 (1).

Medina, Jennifer. "Too Scared to Report Sexual Abuse. The Fear: Deportation." The New York Times. April 30, 2017.

Muehlenhard, C. L., Humphreys, T. P., Jozkowski, K. N., & Peterson, Z. D. (2016). The  complexities of sexual consent among college students: A conceptual and empirical review. Journal of Sex Research53, 457–487. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1146651.

Mullen, Jethro. "Indonesian Judge in Hot Water for Suggesting Rape Victims Enjoy It." CNN. January 17, 2013.

North, Anna. "Trump's Mockery of Christine Blasey Ford Perpetuates Rape Culture." Vox.com. October 03, 2018.

Percival, Ash. "'EastEnders' Wins Widespread Praise For Groundbreaking Rape And Consent Episode." HuffPost UK. November 30, 2018.           

Perry, Abby. "Compliance Is Not Consent." Fathom Mag. May 01, 2018.

Plake, Sarah. "Children Abusing Children: Children's Mercy Sees Dangerous Trend Involving Children and Porn." KSHB. December 03, 2018.

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Pulliam Bailey, Sarah. “Conservative Leader Bill Gothard Resigns following Abuse Allegations.” The Washington Post. March 07, 2014.              

RAINN | The Nation's Largest Anti-sexual Violence Organization

Relman, Eliza. "These Are the Sexual-assault Allegations against Bill Clinton." Business Insider. June 04, 2018. 

Smith, Sarah. "Hundreds of Sex Abuse Allegations Found in Fundamental Baptist Churches across U.S." Star-Telegram. December 9, 2018.

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Tan, Gillian, and Katia Porzecanski. “Wall Street Rule for the #MeToo Era: Avoid Women at All  Cost.” Bloomberg.com. December 3, 2018.  

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Urban Dictionary definition of "rape"

Vagianos, Alanna. "NFL Player To Elementary School Class: Girls Are 'Supposed To Be Silent'." The Huffington Post. February 23, 2017.

Vagianos, Alanna. "Remember Brock Turner? From 3 Months Ago? He'll Leave Jail On Friday." The Huffington Post. March 20, 2017.

Vrangalova, Zhana. “Everything You Need to Know About Consent That You Never ..." Teen Vogue. April 18, 2016.

Wadhwa, Megha, and Ben Stubbings. "Surviving Sexual Assault in Japan, Then Victimized Again." The Japan Times. September 27, 2017.

Wehner, Peter. "The Great #MeToo Awakening." The New York Times. May 12, 2018.

Woodson, Jules. "I Was Assaulted. He Was Applauded." The New York Times. March 09, 2018.