Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Meet Four AIDS Orphans You Can Help

Today is both International AIDS Day and Giving Tuesday. Why not participate in both simultaneously? You can do so by providing the funds through a gift that will help Caleb, Sammy, Faith, and/or Joel—all AIDS orphans living in Kenya—with whom we’re working.Let me just tell you about Joel.His mother died of AIDS, and his father remarried. Then his dad was killed in a land war on Mt. Elgon, where we work with a church-planting movement. Joel’s orphan status meant he had to drop out of public school, which is not free in Kenya. But someone agreed to sponsor him to continue, so he did—for a while. But then that sponsor had to stop (layoffs, divorces…stuff happens). So Joel had to drop out of school.We found another sponsor for him. And that worked for a while. But then that sponsor could not make the payments, either. So my husband and I have been covering Joel’s school expenses last year and this, because we cannot bear the thought of telling Joel he must drop out again. He is 20 years old!The other three kids whose lives have been ravaged by AIDS have also lost their sponsors, so we have been covering their educational expenses, too.Joel is a smart kid who enjoys football, farming, and looking after cattle. Caleb loves music, drama, and swimming. Faith also loves swimming, along with tennis and drama. And Sammy likes football, drama, swimming and ball games. And they all do well in school—when given the chance.For orphans to flourish, they need education. But they also need stuff like toothpaste and deodorant and regular meals that include meat. These four kids have sponsors for none of these, except Sammy, who has a sponsor for meat. Would you consider a one-time gift to help us cover their schooling? Or perhaps you can sponsor one or more of them monthly for one of the following? Or might you consider sponsoring one child for all of his or her monthly needs?• Education: $575/year or $48/month• Food: $264/year or $22/month• Hygiene: $264/year or $22/month• Meat: $204/year or $17/month1. Give by Check: Please complete and return this form with a check enclosed. The check should be made out to East-West Ministries International, and on the memo line please include "Adopt-a-Legacy Sponsorship Program" along with the child’s name. You may mail sponsorship donations to:East-West Ministries InternationalAttn: Financial Services2001 W Plano Pkwy #3000Plano, TX 750752. Give Online: You may also "Click to Give" and write in your one-time or monthly amount. Please specify the sponsorship category (name of child + education, tutoring, etc.) in the notes box and select either a one-time gift or monthly giving upon "checkout."The child-sponsorship initiative meets the needs of Kenya’s most disadvantaged populations. People hear about this work, and it opens doors to the gospel for unreached peoples as the good reputation of the work grows.For each sponsored child, our program includes mentoring and spiritual guidance from an indigenous ministry worker. Through stable sponsors, these kids will have new opportunities to grow and learn in every way. At the very least, would you please pray with us for these kids? And please help us spread the word.Thanks for your partnership with us!