Dr. Sandra Glahn

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What You Can Learn This Semester

The Prayer for the Nations service at Calvin Worship Symposium 2015 included a map of the world. After praying for every nation by name, we placed our individual candles on countries that were the objects of our own special prayer focus. Monday is the first day students can sign up for spring semester classes at DTS. Here's what I'm slated to teach:MW302 – Writing for Publication — How do you get your idea to a broader audience? With the help of Jed, my trusty teaching assistant, I'll show you. More than half of those with zero publishing experience usually get published before the semester even ends. This class fills fast, so hurry to register. Limited to 12 people.MW905 – Worship Arts in the Church — Brave the cold traveling to Grand Rapids in January for three days. Attend the Calvin Symposium on Worship, which focuses on integrating the arts into Christian worship. Complete reading, writing, and community assignments (e.g., share a house, discuss theology and the arts). Experience beauty. And boom. Three hours closer to graduation.MW905 – Calvin Festival: Writing & Writers — Travel to Grand Rapids in April for three days. Attend the biennial Calvin Festival of Faith and Writing conference. Meet top-tier authors—think winners of Pulitzers and National Book Awards—who write winsomely about faith. (Not necessarily Christian faith.) Complete reading, writing, and community assignments like sharing a house, reading a book in common, and discussing. And voila—three hours’ credit. This year's speakers include Christian Wiman (My Bright Abyss; listen to him here on NPR.)I'm also co-teaching a course with Dr. Gary Barnes on Sexual Ethics.If you're not a student at DTS, contact Admissions through the web site