Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Are Science and Faith Compatible?

Whilescience and faith have often been pitted against each other, the SeptemberEvangelical Leaders Survey finds that most evangelical leaders are comfortablewith the compatibility between their faith and scientific findings.
Evangelicalleaders were asked to what extent they agree with the following statement,“Sometimes I have to choose between the teachings of my evangelical faith andscientific findings.” Seventy percent disagreed with the statement, with 30percent strongly disagreeing.

What Evangelicals Are Saying about Science and Faith

“Evangelicalsare committed to the authority of the Bible but also are grateful for andrespectful of science,” said Leith Anderson, President of the NationalAssociation of Evangelicals. “They recognize that there can not be ultimatedisagreement between nature and Scripture.”
MargaretFeinberg, a popular Christian author and speaker, said, “Science and faithinform each other in the most beautiful way. Science illuminates the wonder ofGod.”
JoelHunter, Senior Pastor of Northland, A Church Distributed, continued, “TheCreator is known through that which has been made (Romans 1:20). If there seemsto be disagreement, we have either misinterpreted Scripture or science has notyet caught up to it.”
Likewise,Joseph Tkach, President of Grace Communion International, said, “Proper andaccurate interpretation has science and theology fitting like a hand in aglove.”

Do People Have to Choose between Faith and Science?

Ofthose who said that they have to choose between scientific findings and theirevangelical faith, some noted that scientific conclusions are sometimes revisedin light of new discoveries.
“Iwill always side with what Scripture says over any scientific ‘finding.’ Othertimes scientific discoveries confirm what the Bible has been saying all along,”said Bill Lenz, Senior Pastor of Christ the Rock Church, in Menasha, Wisconsin.
Andersonsaid, “Evangelicals have not always had the best relationship with science. Buttoday’s evangelical leaders don’t think there should be such a division.Science is about studying the world God put us in. We should be the bestscientists.”
TheEvangelical Leaders Survey is a monthly poll of the Board of Directors of theNational Association of Evangelicals. They include the CEOs of denominationsand representatives of a broad array of evangelical organizations includingmissions, universities, publishers and churches.

Brought to you by the NAE. You can followthe NAE at www.nae.net orthrough Facebook orTwitter.