Dr. Sandra Glahn

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It's Adoption Awareness Month

Happy October 1! It's Adoption Awareness Month. So I want to introduce you to some folks working in the world of adoption—Show Hope:

Show Hope is a movement to care for orphans, restoringthe hope of a family to orphans in distress around the world.
Founded by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife MaryBeth, this nonprofit organization is helping to make a difference for themillions of orphans and waiting children around the world. Primarily they dothis through Adoption Aid financial grants that help give orphans families andSpecial Care Centers in China that help orphans with special needs. Throughprograms like their Advocates, Student Initiatives, and Sponsorship, they are  mobilizing a movement of individuals and communities who show hope tochildren in need.
When the Chapman’s adoptedtheir daughter Shaohannah Hope in 2000 from China, they wanted todo something about the millions of waiting children who still needed lovingfamilies. In February 2003, they started the organization Shaohannah’s Hope,now called Show Hope, as an official 501c3.
Since its inception, ShowHope has helped provide homes through Adoption Aid grants for more than
4,000 orphans from 50+countries, including the U.S. In addition, more than 1,000 orphans with specialneeds have received critically needed medical care through Show Hope’s SpecialCare Centers located in China. 

  Adoption Grants: Financial grants help provide waiting children with families throughadoption Equipping Families: Conferences are held year round throughout the country, and resourcesare provided to help equip families to bring hope and healing to children


Show Hope Sponsors: Monthly sponsors help provide urgent medical care for children at ShowHope’s Special Care Centers in the Henan province of China, as well as helpprovide waiting children with families through Adoption Aid grantsLife Hope Sponsors: These sponsors annually fund an entire Adoption Aid grant while alsohelping children at the Special Care Centers


 Special Care Centers: Care Centers such as Maria’s Big House of Hope inLuoyang, China, provide acute and urgent medical care for orphans with specialneeds. Show Hope has three additional Care Centers located in China’s Henanprovince, giving desperately needed medical care for 300 children when at fullcapacityCorrective Surgeries: Life-giving surgeries provide hope and healing toorphans by addressing critical needs

Become AShow Hope Advocate
Thousands of generous people across the country have raisedhundreds of thousands of dollars tochange their world for orphans. Today more than ever, advocates are making animpact on the orphan crisis by raising awareness and funds through projectslike donating their birthday, hosting a bake sale, or sharing with theirchurches. To find out more, visit www.showhope.org/advocates .
The Student Initiatives Program

Show Hope’s StudentInitiatives actively mobilizes students for a lifetime of orphan care.Through its programs, such as high school Movement Clubs and thecollege-based Red Bus Project, Show Hope elevates student leaderswho will lead their peers in speaking up for the millions of orphans in theworld. For more information, visit www.showhope.org/studentsor www.themovementclub.org and www.redbusproject.org.