Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Do You Have a Sacred Story?

Today I want to introduce a site to you—created by my friend Laura Wilcox. Laura founded Sacred Story Ministries as a platform for women to share about God’sfaithfulness. Her motto is: Live a Story. Give a Story. Love the Author. Laura’s work with an international mission organization for more than two decades laid the foundation for her story-gathering projects. She graduated fromDallas Theological Seminary and is the author of the Bible study Capture My Heart, Lord, which exploresattributes of the heart and highlights women in church history. Here's an excerpt from her site: 

Stacy’s* Story: When God Called Me toStay
How often do we pray for God to change our situation? Weland somewhere outside of our comfort zone and pray that God will take away ourpain and that He will lead us down a better path. For me, it was 1986; I had been out ofcollege for just under two years and was working in the technical recruitingindustry in the Dallas area. The company that I was working for was expandingand I was offered a promotion to move to the Houston office. They had a Houstonteam in place but told me that there were a “few issues in the Houston office.”  

Immediately after arriving in Houston I began tosee how difficult this situation was going to be. The first issue was thatHouston was suffering very high unemployment of over 9%. This was of coursemore than a small problem in the recruiting business. My biggest struggle, though, was not theunemployment rate but the other employees in our Houston office. 

To learn the rest of Stacy's story, check out Laura's site. Maybe you have a story that could encourage others?

*Not her real name.