Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Art + Bible = Salome

Stained glass windows. Flannelgraphs. Fill-in-the-blank studies with small groups. What's your favorite way to learn Bible stories? And have you given opera a shot? This fall you will get your chance.

"Salome"—it's a set-in-Judea, biblical tale of lust and betrayal in King Herod's court, and it reveals humanity at its most depraved. As you may recall, Salome's dancing led to the beheading of the one whom Jesus described as the most righteous man ever. Oscar Wilde wrote the rendition, and The Dallas Opera will tell it in song.

Tickets are on sale now for performances between October 30 and November 8.

John the Baptist was imprisoned in the bowels of this mountain before Salome
asked Herod for the prophet's head.