Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Earth Day List

What do we still need to do?
 1. Lower the thermostat in the winter, raise it in the summer.
 2. Stop drinking bottled water and opt for a reusable bottle.
 3. Check out the bathroom. Do you have low-flow faucets, shower heads, and toilets?
 4. Start a compost pile.
 5. Buy/use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
 6. Turn off lights and electronics when you leave a room. Unplug your cell phone charger from the wall when not in use.
 7. Car pool. Share the ride.
 8. Ride a bike; drive a hybrid.
 9. Walk, jog, or run.
10. Go to your local library or buy used books. Old is the new new.
11. Get off junk-mail lists.
12. Buy products that use recycled materials whenever possible.
13. If you use plastic grocery bags, reuse them as small trash can liners.
14. Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Given a choice between plastic and paper, opt for paper.
15. Recycle.