Alone Yet Not Alone: More on the Original Song Oscar®-Nomination
AGOURA HILLS, Calif., Jan. 24, 2014 – Joni and Friends founderJoni Eareckson Tada was as surprised as the rest of the nation to learn thatamong this year's Academy Award Best Original Song nominees was one thatinvolved her. Tada was honored by the invitation from the film's producer togive voice to the film's title song, "Alone Yet Not Alone," at theinvitation of the film's producers in the Fall of 2013, and was merely lookingforward to its nationwide release in theaters in June.
That all changed, however, with the announcement ofthe nominees last week, bringing attention from across the U.S. to the song andTada's performance. Those unfamiliar with the name Joni Eareckson Tada or herethereal voice have been surprised to discover that she has been doing hersinging from a wheelchair for more than forty-seven years, having beenparalyzed in a diving accident in 1967 at age seventeen.
Tada recalls the occasion when she was invited torecord the song for the film. "Last year when I spoke at the closingsession of the National Religious Broadcasters' Convention, I sang severalhymns as part of my message," Tada said. "In the audience were somepeople connected with Enthuse Entertainment, the producer of
Alone YetNot Alone, who later asked if I would be interested in recording the themesong for the movie.
"When I heard the simple, melodic ballad, Iwanted to record it…. After all, I sit down in a stand-up world and often feel'alone;' but of course with my faith in God, I'm never
really alone,"Tada explained. "The Bible is filled with stories of God pickingill-equipped, unskilled people for places of great influence, which is how Ifeel, as a quadriplegic, singing an Academy Award-nominated song."
There has been some surprise in industry circlesthat a relatively unknown, faith-based historical film has received suchattention, but those involved have said the song is deserving of suchattention, as both a musical work and for its integral role in the film."Alone Yet Not Alone" is set in 1755 and features two young sisterswho are kidnapped by Delaware Indians during the French and Indian War. It istheir faith and a family hymn—"Alone Yet Not Alone"—that help thesisters stay strong and endure such hardship.
Tada hopes to use the recent attention on her andthis song to increase awareness and further the work of God through theministry of Joni and Friends, which she founded in 1979. "Can you imaginehow this might encourage
other people with disabilities? It'sall about 'God's power in our weakness,' and I love the chance to advance thatmessage," she said.
Tada's influence began following the release of anautobiographical book and subsequent movie about her life, both entitled"Joni," which provided encouragement to other individuals withdisabilities across the nation and around the world. She and a few friends—manyof whom had helped mentor her spiritually—realized from the mail and phonecalls pouring in that there was a significant need for such a ministry.
Following the establishment of Joni and Friends tohelp meet that need, Tada went on to have an important role in determining howindividuals with disabilities would be treated in public, in the workplace, inschools, etc., as part of the committee involved in making recommendations forthe Americans with Disabilities Act.
Since that time, Joni and Friends has expandedgreatly beyond Tada's wildest expectations as far as the number of people theyare able to serve and the variety of services they provide, but never deviatingfrom the original purpose of sharing the hope of God's love with a segment ofthe world's population that is often overlooked and ostracized.
"From the beginning, we focused on developingprograms that would help meet both the spiritual and practical needs ofdisabled people and their families," Tada said. "We've grown toinclude an important emphasis on training and equipping individuals to servethe disability community, as well, realizing this would greatly accelerate thistype of ministry around the world."
Tada can be heard daily through her radio ministryon Christian stations around the country, including both a five-minute program,"Joni and Friends," and a one-minute program based on her dailydevotional, "Diamonds in the Dust." Regular listeners are familiarwith Joni's beautiful singing voice and love for hymns, as she often slips theminto her recordings. Both are available online at She also hoststhe
"Joni and Friends" television show availableon numerous networks and affiliates here in the U.S. and abroad.
About Joni and Friends International DisabilityCenter
For thirty-five years, the
Joni and Friends International Disability Center hasworked to accelerate ministry to the disability community, offering a widearray of life-affirming programs to people with disabilities around the world.Joni and Friends does this through the
Christian Institute on Disability; theInternational Disability Center; international radio and television programsfilled with inspirational stories;
Wheels for the World, which every year seesthousands of individuals receive wheelchairs and the life-giving message of theGospel, and
Family Retreats, where families affected bydisability learn they are not alone.
Update: This song has been removed from nomination.