Dr. Sandra Glahn

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New Exhibit at the Perot Museum

Late last week, my hubby and I had a daytime date to a members'-only preview of a new exhibit at the Perot Museum. The show was "Animal Inside Out: A Body Worlds Production."

If you have seen Body Worlds, which used human specimens, imagine the same process of preservation applied to animals. When my family went to the Body Worlds show, half of us liked it and half of us were creeped out. I imagine this show will affect people similarly.

In Animal Inside Out, viewers explore the intricate biology, zoology and physiology of more than 100 creatures great and small. This exhibition by anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens features animals painstakingly preserved by the process of Plastination, with varying results. Most looked quiet natural. But a few look, well, affected by plastic.

From goats to giraffes, cats to crocodiles and octopuses to ostriches, the form and function of animals both exotic and familiar is accessible to guests. Animal biology textbooks spring to life. In fact, the ideal crowd would be a natural science class—or a veterinary class or students learning anatomy and physiology.

This museum learning experience is now open at Dallas's Perot Museum. To reserve your time, go to www.perotmuseum.org.