Dr. Sandra Glahn

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News from the World of Assisted Reproduction

Bioedge.org reports that in vitro fertilization (IVF) andICSI birth defects may be decreasing. They cite a Western Australia study ofmore than 200,000 births that included nearly 2,000 IVF and ICSI babies. Researchersfound the following from fertility clinics:
From 1994–1998, nearly 11% of babies had a birth defectdiagnosed by age 6
From 1998–2002, only about 7.5% had a birth defect diagnosedby age 6
The lead author attributes the changes to improvedlaboratory practices, wiser use of meds for ovarian stimulation, and fewerembryos transferred.
The study included some pregnancies terminated because of birthdefects. Major birth defects were listed as cleft lip, hip dysplasia, and malformationsof the heart, abdominal wall and genitals. These affected about 8% of singletonbabies conceived through IVF and ICSI, compared to about 5% of babies conceivednaturally.
What I’d like to know: Could the “improvement” be due topre-implantation genetic diagnosis in which embryos found to have genetic issuesare destroyed before transfer?
Bioedge has also reported that a Danish donor passed onsevere birth defects by fathering dozens of children through a clinic inCopenhagen. It was supposed to limit to twenty-five the number of childrenfathered by one door, but the donor had fathered at least forty-three kids viasperm distributed through fourteen clinics.
At least five offspring from this donor have been found tohave a tumor-producing nerve disorder known as Neurofibromatosis type I (NF1)or Von Recklinghausen's disease. Though the clinic was notified about fouryears ago, they did nothing to prevent further use of the donor’s sperm.Parents are considering legal action. And Danish health officials have imposeda new twelve-pregnancy per donor rule.