Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Pray for DR Congo

Celestin Musekura, ALARM founder and president, appeals to the friends and partners of ALARM to join in concerted and fervent fasting and prayer for the people and nation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). ALARM has designated Tuesday, November 27, 2012, as the day to lift our hearts and voices to God. ALARM's staff in Goma is counting on our prayers.

The DRC has had a difficult and tumultuous history. Most recently, the deaths of more than 6,000,000 in the 1997–2008 conflicts; continued violence, instability and pillaging of communities; horrific human rights violations against women and children; kidnapping children and making them killing machines; and the physical mutilation of people.
The city of Goma succumbed to rebel control on Monday night, November 19. There have been reports of defection of the army and police to the M23 rebel forces. Food, communication, and fuel sources have been disrupted, making a difficult situation even more challenging. The violence of recent months has resulted in almost 500,000 refugees and to date many undocumented deaths, rapes, and kidnappings.
The rebels have captured a small town on the route to Bukavu, the region’s other main city. Bukavu is about 150 miles south of Goma. There were protests in Bukavu against the perceived failures of the government and the United Nations. Ruling party offices in Bukavu were burned down in protest of the lack of protection against the M23. 
The presidents of DRC, Uganda, and Rwanda have gathered to address the situation. There are accusations towards Uganda and Rwanda regarding possible complicity with the rebel forces. 
We are working with a pastor who has planted 21 churches in DRC, and my husband is supposed to meet with him within the next few weeks in Rwanda. Please, please join in prayer for this troubled region. God is changing hearts and lives despite desperate difficulties. The church there needs to know we stand with them.