Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Got a Spare Bible?

October is Bible Drive Month. Since 1992, Bible Foundation has chosen October to launch a collection of used Bibles. Where will your donation go? Here are some of the many places asking for them: hospitals, nursing homes, rescue missions, homeless shelters, street ministries, remote villages, homes, churches, schools, bus stations, railway stations, prisons, jails and refugee camps.

. If your used Bible is not sticky with syrup stains, it's good enough to give. Even if you have only portions of a Bible, send them.
. The Bible you contribute can be in any language--it doesn't have to be English.
.  Mail it "Library rate" from the post office to get the best rate. You send it to a collection center, where it gets bundled and shipped to one of numerous places in the world where the Bible is in demand. Pass the word! Questions? Email bf@bf.org. For more info, visit www.bf.org.

Mail to:
Bible Foundation
P. O. Box 908
Newberg, OR 97132