Dr. Sandra Glahn

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Bioethics in the News

TheCenter for Bioethics and Human Dignity found these articles of interest thisweek:
Doping and the Olympics? A news magazine raises the question ofwhether Olympic athletes of the future will have elite genes. ( U.S. World & News Report)
The FDA and stem cell clinics
A D.C. district court has ruled that the FDA can regulateclinics offering stem cell therapies. ( New Scientist)
Results Using Adult Stem Cells The first kid to receive a trachea derived from his own stemcells has set a new progress record. ( ABC News)
In which CNN describes plasticsurgery as the ‘Wild West’ of medicine
 ( CNN)
Privacy and Illness: In our share-all world, is it possibleto remain discreet about one’s illness? ( Washington Post)
Baby Boomers and Memory: Pharma companies are developing supplementsthey call “medical foods” that they claim will improvebrain function for those slipping toward dementia. ( Wall Street Journal)
Patented Genes? A federal appeals court has suggested it may uphold its ruling that isolated human genes canbe patented. ( Wall Street Journal)